Saturday, June 30, 2012

Meet Tatu

Tatu is Zila´s dog.  He looks so handsome wearing his USA bandana around the house!  He is quiet and calm, I am enjoying him a lot!

Festa de Sao Pedro

Last night was the big Festa de Sao Pedro at a big cattle farm near here.  The children were dressed in traditional county clothes-so cute, the men wore plaid shirts, lots of people wearing boots...  there was so much typical Brazilian food (freshly grilled beef/sausage, rice, beans, salad, corn on the cob, a kind of hotdog, lots of yummy desserts and fresh drinks!!!)  The band from Paraguay was playing all evening, you dance on the beats of 2 - 3.  There were fireworks and a big bond fire, too.  The ranch house, itself, was huge and amazing, reminded me of something from the series Dallas.  I hope I can see this farm or a similar one before I leave during the daylight!  The soil here is a rusty color and very rich.
I have no idea what kind of trees they had there on the farm, but they were huge, everything was huge!
It was just about the biggest bond fire I have seen!
This is just one of Zila´s cousins at the party - Fernando.  He is from Rio de Janiero and adores classic American singers!  He is so passionate and knows the lyrics very well and has analyzed them closely, too.  It was a real pleasure to meet him and spend time with him. 
Dessert!!!  Yum!

Thank you to the Soares family for including me on this celebration! Tchau, beijos from Campo Grande!

Friday, June 29, 2012

The trip here was uneventful.  I am here and having a very special reunion with Zila and I am enjoying meeting her family, yummy food and her wonderful city.  It is very modern, I am impressed by the area.  I think I was looking tired after our lunch here at home as Zila tucked me in for a nap, closed the curtain and I slept.  Then as you can see in the photo, she was such a wonderful hostess when I woke up and had a cup of coffee and water that she brought to me!  So sweet of her.  Later we are going to a St Peter party, a traditional day in honor St. Peter.  It will be held a farm of a cousin.  I cannot wait.  The weather is delightful!  More later!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I have been busy cleaning the house, doing laudry etc.  I know it's crazy but I like to come home to fresh sheets on the bed, a clean house and an empty laundry basket!  I even made sure my dog was groomed!

Yes, I am packed and ready to go!  I certainly hope my bag isn't over 51 kg because my carry-on is full, too! 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

By this time tomorrow, I'll be at the Indy airport!  Woot!  Speaking of time, what time is it in Campo Grande, Brazil?  Easy answer, same as Indianapolis!!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

How long does it take to get there and where is that anyway?

Many of you have asked..."Where are you going?" "How long does it take to get there" and "What is the weather like?"

Where am I going? Campo Grande, capital of Mato Grosso do Sul. (See map)

My itinerary takes 19 hours: Indy-Chicago/O’Hare-Sao Paulo-Campo Grande, over 4,600 miles!!!

The weather (it is winter there) is high average 82 degrees and low of 62 degrees, NO RAIN in sight!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Meet my Brazilian friend, Zila!

I am traveling to Brazil to visit my friend, Zila.  We met when she was an exchange student in my high school.  The photo is from my high school yearbook, she is on the right.  Zila is an artist and lives in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul.  It is winter there now, the weather should be delightful!  The city is quite large with a population of nearly 1 million.  Campo Grande is quite far from the Brazilian coast cities of Rio and Sao Paulo, it is actually located quite near Paraguay and Bolivia.  I am really looking forward to meeting Zila's family, her friends and experiencing the culture of the area!